This one is philosophical !! Sometimes life offers you two paths and you have to decide your way ! I was confronted with the same question where I did not know whether I should be contended be whatever I have got or should I always keep yearning for more and more . I think contentment is good for short term but eventually you got to better yourself . But then one may say what is the point you are always struggling . My take is that if you are doing what you like , it is not a struggle then . Then you yourself wanna fight for it and you like fighting for it . Moving to my peregrination to Vrindavan . Though I am not a religious person . By religious I mean who worships regularly .So,day before yesterday I went to Vrindavan place where whenever I go I feel quite peaceful . There is something special at that place . As soon as you enter you see a beautiful statue upfront .We reached this place at around 1 ..timing when the main temple is closed and it reopens at 4:30 . We asked th...
Travel .... It leaves you speechless,then turns you into Storyteller
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